"Drill Baby, Drill? Not if Jack Eidt Has Anything to Say About It" by Taylor Van Arsdale, University Link Magazine, April 2009.
"WHP works in conjunction with environmental groups and sometimes, in the case of the oil drilling issue in Santa Barbara, against them."  read more...

"Soap opera helps drive a real brand" by Catherine Moye, Financial Times, June 1, 2007
"Others, such as Jack Eidt, director of planning for the environmental group Wild Heritage Planners, are worried about the effects of a rising population and increased development."   read more...

"Waves of opposition: Save Trestles" by Laylan Connelly, Orange County Register, December 6, 2006
"If the conditions are nice, you could bet that Jerry Collamer has shop set up along the walking path down to Trestles. That's where the surfers are. And he needs their voices."   read more...

"True Men Don't Kill Coyotes" by Scott Giffin, OC Weekly, December 23, 2004.
"The howling still haunts Jack Eidt. An avid hiker, Eidt is no stranger to the cry of coyotes, but this - this Hound of the Baskervilles meets funeral dirge was different."   read more...